Thursday, May 20, 2010

Working on Ubuntu

After my Mac crashed at office, I lost hope. Damn, isn't there a single OS which will never crash!!!! I know, I know, they are machines. Morever OSes are just lines of code and even the best programmers commit mistakes. But, I cannot live with those if my systems keep crashing like this. My data is precious and I would do anything to keep it safe.
Well, I got Linux (Ubuntu) installed on my laptop. Getting all the necessary softwares for Ubuntu is a bit of work, and would require you to look here and there. Now, after around 2 weeks of working on it, I have almost set up everything required. A blogger client called (Blogilo) was the last one and I am writing this blog from that software.
It feels nice to work on this. Shifting from Windows to a Mac and then to a Linux has been painful at times, but hey, ain't I flexible? Just to add another OS to the list, I know DOS also. :)
Blogilo is nice by the way. 
@Update : The post couldn't be updated by Blogilo. It crashed. So, I am on the web now. Damn OSses.


  1. I thought you said your colleges mac crashed, did your mac also crash?

  2. Ya, it had once before that. But after 4-5 restarts it was fine. :)

  3. Among Few inevitable things in the software, one is Software Crash... Be happy you got some thing stable which will keep you happy for next few months and ....
