Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The clock’s TICKING…

And here it comes, finally, 31st December, 2008. Looking back at the 365 days that have gone by, if I were to categorize the year 2008 as “Happy” or “Sad”, it was definitely a “Happy” one.

So, with yet another year knocking at the doors, everyone must be busy finishing their office work, and trying to leave home early today. But, I am at peace, at home, writing away my last words of ‘08.

I have no plans for the coming year, no resolutions (after I realized that I haven’t been able to keep any of them), no big dreams, no expectations from ‘09.

08 was………… But one thing ………No…there are so many things that I want to write, but I don’t have the time, Sorry…Please wait for my other posts in ‘09.


  1. you managed to keep ur job.despite not working for the best part of the year...well 08 was a HAPPY one..

    You keep blogging too...
    Let the battle continue!!

  2. wat r those many things....???
    dont know abt others but atleast m waiting for ur next post.. :-)
