So, my battery is dead now. And to add to the problem, there is no kick lever in my bike. They are saying that it would take atleast 2-3 days to fix the battery. WTF. Till then, I have to push and start. Wow, I was looking to join a gym very soon, but now I don't need to. I burn some calories and flex some muscles whenever I want to ride my bike.
I called up the Exide guys, and they said that they will first check and replace if necessary. My advice to people who are planning to buy a bike,
"Do not get a bike without the kick lever"
Dont u think its a blessing in disguise coz u had planned 2 hit a gym. Now thrs no 2 spend money in a gym when u can work out with ur bike...... :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha, That's free with the bike, isn't it?